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på 45 dagar!

SAP Plant Maintenance Consultant

  • Externa annonser
  • Remote

Hemsida Avigna AB

Language: English( Mandatory )
Experience: 5+yrs
Work Mode: Fully remote
Location: Remote

Required Skills:

  • Candidate should have a minimum 4+ years of project experience in SAP Plant Maintenance
  • Hands-on working experience in SAP MM Spare parts and QM Calibration
  • Experience working with Apps and interfaces.
  • Experience with supporting end users and error search
  • Ability to test solutions and set up clear requirements based on user input.
  • Experience navigating a large organisation.
  • Candidate Can design solutions to meet requirements


Competitive Salary
Pension, Health, Occupation injury, and sick insurance
Opportunity to take the latest courses and certification
Other company benefits

  • Externa annonser
  • Remote

Hemsida Avigna AB

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